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load balancer

Linux Container with LXD for focmm unit testing

Currently we are in the testing phase of the next release of our Ops Center (focmm).

MariaDB MaxScale Load Balancer with Master/Master Replication

For this how-to we were working with a MariaDB 10.6.5 database server and the newest MariaDB MaxScale 6.3.0 (aka 2.6) load balancer/proxy.

As a starting point we had a working MariaDB Master/Master replication with one active Master (Ma) and one passive Master (Mp). Whereas the passive Master was set to read_only. As a replication user we used the user replication.

Traffic mirroring with MariaDB MaxScale

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Recently we had the case that a customer claimed that MariaDB 10.3 Binary Log is using 150% more space on disk than MySQL 5.7 Binary Log. Because I never observed something similar, but to be honest, I did not look to intensively for this situation, we had to do some clarifications.

First we checked the usual variables which could be candidates for such a behaviour:

Galera Load Balancer the underestimated wallflower

There are some pretty sophisticated Load Balancers for Galera Clusters setups out in the market (ProxySQL, MaxScale, HAproxy, ...). They have many different exotic features. You can nearly do everything with them. But this comes at the cost of complexity. Non of them is simple any more.

Making HAProxy High Available for MySQL Galera Cluster

After properly installing and testing a Galera Cluster we see that the set-up is not finished yet. It needs something in front of the Galera Cluster that balances the load over all nodes.

Galera Load Balancer Documentation


glbd is a simple TCP connection balancer made with scalability and performance in mind. It was inspired by pen, but unlike pen its functionality is limited only to balancing generic TCP connections.



Unbreakable MySQL Cluster with Galera and Linux Virtual Server (LVS)

Recently we had to set-up a 3-node Galera Cluster with a Load Balancer in front of it. Because Galera Cluster nodes (mysqld) still reply to TCP requests on port 3306 when they are expelled from the Cluster it is not sufficient to just leave it to the Load Balancer to check the port if a Galera node is properly running or not.

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